The Other Music Academy [OMA]

Is our vision of a new kind of institution: an Empowerment Center. The goal of the OMA is to help bring about an open and inclusive society which invites the most diverse kinds of people to help actively create our common culture and our roles within it.

The OMA is structured by three closely connected areas:

a Creation Tank in which experts and non-experts together design and carry out experimental, transdisciplinary projects;

a Life-long Learning Center whose constantly  evolving curriculum for lifelong learning flows from the needs of the ongoing projects, thereby giving the participants new, practical skills and directly applicable knowledge;

a new kind of Sociocultural Center that provides a physical home to the projects and an ongoing, open meeting-place for discussions, encounters and social networking.

The OMA is committed to a positive, meaning-giving understanding of of difference and diversity.

All OMA projects integrate both scientific and artistic practices in the service of a social vision. OMA projects redefine the boundaries between work, education and play. They offer opportunities for people from all backgrounds to connect and create.


History read

Our Home read

Accessibility of the building read